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Uni-verse-a integral life is practice mobility of youth workers training course. The activities of the project will be based on two theories – integral life practice, which includes development of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual activities and on the multiple intelligencies theory. Based on these theories participants will find out their inner core and how their uniqueness could be used in everyday life, hence these skills will help support youth to choose proper career development and build a life plan.

Erasmus+ (2018-2019)

Integral life practice training course

Social Innovation Centre – Latvia
Involved – Estonia
Inpro – Poland
Fifede – Spain
A. T. I. C – Romania
NGO “Development and Initiative” – Ukraine
Associazione “Let’s Keep Learning” – Italy

Project results

Integral life practice training course

Project partners

Social Innovation Centre – Latvia
Involved – Estonia
Inpro – Poland
Fifede – Spain
A. T. I. C – Romania
NGO “Development and Initiative” – Ukraine
Associazione “Let’s Keep Learning” – Italy


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