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“Promotion of key competences of youth by coworking concept approach in youth centres” is Erasmus+ Strategic partnership project, which gathers coworking spaces Forwardspace (Estonia), Sende (Spain) and Viaindustriae (Italy), youth centre Ķekavas JIC and NGO Sociālās inovācijas centrs (Latvia) and promotes the integration of coworking elements as improvement of professional and social competences of young people.

Coworking spaces are being launched rapidly during the last decade, as they form collaborative working and learning environments for creatives, managers, distant workers, students, startups and simply curious young people around the world. The concept of coworking space can be applied to urban and rural environments, universities and cafeterias, management offices and craftsmen workshops, private business ideas and municipal youth centres, so why not to try out one?

The overall objective of the project is to introduce coworking concept to the youth centres in the rural areas and hence stimulate entrepreneurship and educational opportunities of youth through coworking concept.

Erasmus+ (2018-2019)

Publikācija ”Jauniešu pamatkompetenču veicināšana, izmantojot kopstrādes koncepcijas pieeju jauniešu centros”

Ķekavas novada Jaunatnes iniciatīvu centrs (leading organisation), Latvia;
Sociālās inovācijas centrs, Latvia;
Forwardspace, Estonia;
Asociacion Cultural Sende, Spain;
Viaindustriae, Italy.

Project results

Publikācija ”Jauniešu pamatkompetenču veicināšana, izmantojot kopstrādes koncepcijas pieeju jauniešu centros”

Project partners

Ķekavas novada Jaunatnes iniciatīvu centrs (leading organisation), Latvia;
Sociālās inovācijas centrs, Latvia;
Forwardspace, Estonia;
Asociacion Cultural Sende, Spain;
Viaindustriae, Italy.


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