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Project “Social entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea region” study results

The study is available here: Social entrepreneurship final report

One of the project “Social entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea Region” task was to explore availability of the education about social entrepreneurship and to assess other forms of support for the Baltic Sea region. The study considers the following seven countries: Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden.

The study includes a number of sub-categories focusing on three main issues: overall social entrepreneurship support, support of education about social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship impact.

The study contains specific information about the social enterprise ecosystem stakeholders in each country. In previously prepared studies that discuss the EU Member States’ main stakeholder roles and relationships this information is sparse.

Despite the fact that prepared information is subjective the brief profile that is included in the report on social entrepreneurship is a very important help for those who face difficulties when trying to identify responsible institutions for collaboration proposals in the seven countries considered in this report.

The study is available in English, parts of the study that consider respective countries are in their national languages.

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