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PROJECT RESULTS | Unique escape rooms created as a result of work on CO-ART project

The full title of the CO-ART project translated from English is “Challenge-based Online tools to develop entrepreneurial and digital competences among young ARTpreneurs”. During two years, the international team discussed the most successful ways and forms for the development of such educational tools for strengthening the creative industries and raising the ...

PARTNER MEETING | (Latvian) Tiešsaistes izlaušanās spēļu izstrāde partnerībā – iespējas jauniešiem un jaunatnes darbiniekiem

Project Description It is strongly necessary for CCS professionals to develop entrepreneurial and digital competences defined in ENTRECOMP and DIGCOMP 2.1. to foster entrepreneurship and encourage them to become key players to modify the way creative products, cultural goods and events are created, managed, disseminated and consumed during and after COVID-19.The ...
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