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TRAINING | How to create and use online escape rooms in non-formal education?

From 5th to 9th of July the CO-ART project activities moved to Riga, where we realised a 4-day training with great success! The training brought together 24 wonderful youth workers, youth leaders, trainers and artists from Latvia, France, Spain, Cyprus, Greece and Poland

In these days they were able to:

  • learn and develop their skills and competences in teaching non-formal education;
  • learn about the concept of online escape rooms as a learning tool;
  • test the 24 online escape rooms that have been set up within the project;
  • learn how to create your own escape rooms using freely available online tools.

The use of games in non-formal education is increasing. Regardless of the educational objective and the subject, the introduction of such elements increases learner motivation and commitment. One of the tools used in this process is escape rooms, which are gaining popularity not only in offline versions but also in virtual ones. Gamification was one of the elements presented during our training in Latvia and used by participants in their escape rooms.

Topics presented to the participants were:

  • why and for what purpose to create online escape rooms;
  • the use of online escape rooms in non-formal education;
  • entrepreneurship and digital competences;
  • learning objectives, outcomes, content and storyline;
  • resources for online learning;
  • escape room anatomy or how to create your own educational online escape room.

Participants created their own online escape rooms on topics of interest to them to better integrate the knowledge gained from the training. We hope that this knowledge will be useful in their work and that online escape rooms will become one of the most popular online learning tools!

Follow the progress of the project in CO-ART project homepage and LinkedIn page!

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.

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