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EVENT | Presentation about online escape rooms

On March 16, a practical workshop “Gamification and digital learning tools for creative industries” took place in the premises of the National Film School of Culture Academy of Latvia. Its main goal was to introduce young people and NGO representatives to the concept of online breakout rooms, as well as the positive impact of gamification in the learning process. Paul Siliņš from Riga TechGirls gave a short presentation on digital tools in the creative industries, and in the end, participants joined in a discussion to talk about the trends and developments of technologies in CCS.

Prototypes of 24 different online escape rooms and this event were prepared in the CO-ART project. During two years, the international team discussed the most successful ways and forms for the development of such educational tools for strengthening the creative industries and raising the competences of aspiring ARTepreneurs in the shadow of the consequences of the pandemic.

You can get acquainted with the sequential steps of the process, practical tips and the use of digital breakout rooms in the educational settings within the prepared manual.




The full title of the CO-ART project translated from English is “Challenge-based Online tools to develop entrepreneurial and digital competences among young ARTpreneurs”. Its main idea lies in developing the skills of young (16-25 years) representatives of creative industries  with the help of gamification methods. The project partners believe that young people working in the fields of creative industries and culture need such knowledge, skills and abilities that will allow them to fully evaluate the opportunities provided, think ethically and sustainably, know how to mobilize resources and work with finances, be able to deal with uncertainty and risks, know how to work in partnership with others, be able to collaborate in a digital environment and observe online etiquette, develop digital content independently and respect its copyright and licensing, data security and welfare principles.

Follow the progress of the project in CO-ART project homepage and LinkedIn page!

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.

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