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PARTNER MEETING | Meeting in Zaragoza in the framework of the CO-ART project

From 19 to 20 October, the CO-ART project partners ANTIC, Idea 4 LifeInnovation HIVE, Instituto IKIGAISYNTHESIS un Sociālās inovācijas centrs met in Zaragoza, Spain, to track the progress of the project and set new implementation goals.

On 19 October, the partners met to review what has been done and to plan the next steps. Our educational platform with 24 online escape rooms, available in 5 different languages, will be launched soon! The CO-ART guide on how to use escape rooms as an innovative tool in non-formal education will also be finalized and published in English soon and partners will then be able to start translating it into all consortium languages. With a clear idea of the next steps, the partners leave this meeting more motivated than ever to help artists develop their entrepreneurial and digital skills in an intriguing and engaging way!

On 20 October, an event took place in the exhibition hall of the Joaquín Roncal Centre – CAI Foundation in Zaragoza, attended by entrepreneurs from the cultural and creative sector in Aragon and the Minister of Economy, Innovation and Employment of the Zaragoza City Council, Carmen Herrarte. Marta from the Social Innovation Centre also spoke at the event, talking more about the impact of the project in the business sector at local, national and European level and what it means for us as an organization to work with digital innovation in education!


The full title of the CO-ART project translated from English is “Challenge-based Online tools to develop entrepreneurial and digital competences among young ARTpreneurs”. Its main idea lies in developing the skills of young (16-25 years) representatives of creative industries  with the help of gamification methods. The project partners believe that young people working in the fields of creative industries and culture need such knowledge, skills and abilities that will allow them to fully evaluate the opportunities provided, think ethically and sustainably, know how to mobilize resources and work with finances, be able to deal with uncertainty and risks, know how to work in partnership with others, be able to collaborate in a digital environment and observe online etiquette, develop digital content independently and respect its copyright and licensing, data security and welfare principles.

Follow the progress of the project in CO-ART project homepage and LinkedIn page!

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.

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